Type Ia supernovae are considered to be "standardizable" candles when measuring the distance of distant objects and thus play an important role in cosmology. However, the nature of their progenitor systems remains unclear. We investigate the impact of Type Ia supernova ejecta on binary companions within the single-degenerate scenario and subsequent evolution of post-impact surviving stars.
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Selected Publications
- Hsin-Pei Chen, Shiau-Jie Rau, and Kuo-Chuan Pan,“Exploring the Observability of Surviving Companions of Stripped-Envelope Supernovae: A Case Study of Type Ic SN 2020oi”, 2023, ApJ, 949, 121 [Link]
- Shiau-Jie Rau and Kuo-Chuan Pan, “Evolution of Main-Sequence-like Surviving Companions in Type Ia Supernova Remnants”, 2022, ApJ, 933, 38 [Link].
- C. McCutcheon, Y. Zeng, Z.-W. Liu, R. G. Izzard, Kuo-Chuan Pan, H.-L. Chen, and Z. Han, “Type Ia supernova ejecta-donor interaction: explosion model comparison”, 2022, MNRAS, 514, 4078 [Link]
- Chuan-Jui Li, Wolfgang E. Kerzendorf, You-Hua Chu, Ting-Wan Chen, Tuan Do, Robert A. Gruendl, Abigail Holmes, R. Ishioka, Bruno Leibundgut, Kuo-Chuan Pan, Paul M. Ricker, and Daniel Weisz, “Search for Surviving Companions of Progenitros of Young LMC Type Ia Supernova Remnants”, 2019, ApJ, 886, 99 [Link]
- Litke, Y.-H. Chu, A. Holmes, R. Santucci, T. Blindauer, R. A. Gruendl, C.-J. Li, Kuo-Chuan Pan, P. M. Ricker, and D. R. Weisz, “Nature of the Diffuse Source and its Central Point-like Source in SRN 0509-67.5”, 2017, ApJ, 837, 111 [Link]
- C.-J. Li, Y.-H. Chu, R. A. Gruendl, D. R. Weisz, Kuo-Chuan Pan, S. D. Points, P. M. Ricker, R. C. Smith, and F. M. Walter, “Physical Structures of the Type Ia Supernova Remnant N103B”, 2017, ApJ, 836, 85 [Link]
- Kuo-Chuan Pan, P. M. Ricker, and R. E. Taam, “Search for Surviving Companions in Type Ia Supernova Remnants”, 2014, ApJ, 792, 71 [Link]
- Kuo-Chuan Pan, P. M. Ricker, and R. E. Taam, “Evolution of Post-Impact Helium stars in Type Ia Supernova Remnants within the Single-Degenerate Scenario”, 2013, ApJ, 733, 49 [Link]
- Kuo-Chuan Pan, P. M. Ricker, and R. E. Taam, “Evolution of Post-Impact Companion Stars in SN Ia Remnants Within Single-Degenerate Scenario”, 2012, ApJ, 760, 21 [Link]
- Kuo-Chuan Pan, P. M. Ricker, and R. E. Taam, “Impact of Type Ia Supernova Ejecta on Binary Companions in the Single-Degenerate Scenario”, 2012, ApJ, 750, 151 [Link]
- P. M. Ricker, Kuo-Chuan Pan, and R. E. Taam, “The Impact of Type Ia Supernova Ejecta on Binary Systems”, 2010, AIP Conference Series 1314 250 [Link]
- Kuo-Chuan Pan, P. M. Ricker, and R. E. Taam, “Impact of Type Ia Supernova Ejecta on a Helium Star Binary Companion”, 2010, ApJ, 715, 78 [Link]